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10 Benefits of Business Gamification

Gamification, the art of turning everyday tasks into fun challenges that offer rewards, has been taking the business world by storm. Here are ten reasons every business owner should be looking at gamification.

1. Boost learning

Persuading staff to take online training and tests can be difficult, and many employees won’t remember what they’ve been taught. However, learning through games works absolutely differently. It improves retention, focus and makes the experience enjoyable which is a key component of successful learning.


2. Increase employee engagement

By offering badges, levels, or other rewards, businesses can pique the interest of their staff and engage them on a more personal level. Digital agency Bluewolf successfully uses gamification to raise its social profile by encouraging staff to get involved. The result of such technique was really impressive – it increased its social sharing which boosted blog traffic by 80% from social media and the website traffic by 45%.


3. Improve performance

Rewarding employees for completed tasks means jobs are carried out quickly and well. Developer Engine Yard saw improvements in response times and customer feedback following the introduction of rewards for bug fixes.


4. Encourage competition

Gamification in business allows employees to engage in friendly rivalry on an individual or team level, so that tasks are completed more quickly. When Microsoft staff were offered rewards for helping out with language localisation, it became a global competition to see which country’s office could check the most translations.


5. Build team loyalty

Working together to reach the top of a leaderboard can improve relationships within a team, and between managers and junior staff. Team members communicate better, encouraging each other to succeed.


6. Build customer loyalty

Gamification in business is also a tool to attract and retain customers. Loyalty scheme like My Starbucks Rewards, or websites that offer missions and badges, keep customers coming back and raise awareness of products or services.


7. Track performance

Whether it’s learning through games or achieving rewards for completed tasks, the scoring and level systems inherent in gamification provide an easy way for employers to see how their staff are performing.

8. Monitor health

Encouraging staff to use a fitness tracker app can help ensure they take proper breaks to move around. Health management systems reward employees for recording and tracking their data.


9. Aid recruitment

By making job applications into a game, you encourage candidates to complete the process, and are more likely to get applicants who are a good fit. Famously, the US Army website uses a virtual simulation to attract and test potential recruits.


10. Create buzz

Gamification in business generates excitement around upcoming and ongoing projects, increasing awareness and encouraging staff to discuss and share their work. The buzz and competition provided by achieving targets and learning through games can keep your business feeling fresh.

About Us

We help companies across the world take their employee Onboarding Experience to the next level. Our Onboarding Platform will enable new hires to understand the business and their role faster and in a more engaging way. We use the latest technology, gamification mechanisms and proven templates to create customized learning modules and team-based games.

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